TTV Staff
Tower TV – Episode 6, Feb. 20, 2023 Watch episode 6 here! ( 21 min. 40 sec.)
In this episode:
Ross & Jashiya anchor the episode
A visual diary of the recent school trip to Quebec*, by Chelsea & Ry
Teacher Feature: Señor Jossart, by Cole & Liam
PSA: Consent by Will, Tess & Sam
Feature on the Theatre Tech, by Ula & Dora
Reporting on the 31 Days art exhibit by Elsa, Lydia & Ry
East History: BSU by Kadjata & Noel
Feature on the United Asian Club, by Dora & Ula, and
A story about martial arts by Cam, Eva & Red
*CORRECTION: The Quebec trip piece said it was the second oldest city in North America (1608), and said that Jamestown was the first (1607). However, indigenous people founded these cities well before then. For example Mexico City / Tenochtitlan had between 100,000 and 200,000 thousand people there when Cortes arrived in 1519. It was founded around 1300. The Spanish also founded numerous cities in the 1500s in North America, including in what is now the U.S. (Saint Augustine, FL, for example in 1565), according to Christopher Malloy, Dual Language Immersion Social Studies teacher.
Tower TV is a production of the East High School Advanced Video Production class.
Music is licensed through MMSD with Omni Music in Media.
The Mission of Tower TV is to unite our viewers by finding and producing entertaining and informative stories relating to the East High community, while mastering the craft of film/ video production.