Choir, Band and Orchestra come together for the combined concert on Feb. 26.
There is a message behind every song and students put lots of work into their singing and playing to relay that.
“People should see how much emotion and work we put into the songs,” said Sofia Sendelbach, sophomore and Treble choir member.
One song mentioned that the Choir is going to sing is “Many Lives,” in collaboration with orchestra students. Orchestra is also playing a song called “Duel the Fates.”
Students practice on their own time and in class, they rehearse almost every single day to get as much practice as they can.
“Seeing all the hard work from months of practice coming together and it just turning out really cool, especially when it’s with other groups,” said Charlie Gottschalk, junior and Symphonic band member.
The different classes also come together when possible to practice their combined pieces. As well as all Orchestra, Band and Choir come together to practice pieces.
“Come see the concert, come support the Arts. February is a big month, especially in the music department, we have a lot going on. Come see our concerts, audition for the musical,” said Danielle Borkon-Rutter, junior and Philharmonic Orchestra member.