Announcement Tribute
A poem about David by Barbara Davis
East High security guard, essential worker and unofficial spirit of the school delivers one of his daily morning announcements videos from a school bus prior to delivering needed technology to EHS students on Thursday, April 16.
April 17, 2020
In December, Tower Times reporter Evelyn Stephens brought you this inside scoop on security guard David McCullough, who delivers the announcements to East students almost every school day. Although East, and schools across the nation, are currently closed to traditional, in-person classes, school continues via online lessons, and McCullough also continues delivering his daily announcements for East staff and students.
You can catch his daily announcements – on East’s Facebook page.
And, in honor of both McCullough and the fact that April is National Poetry Month, East Spanish teacher Barbara Davis wrote this poem, entitled “Announcement Tribute,” to celebrate the essential worker and unofficial spirit of East:
David brings us daily newsQuotes, and weather, advice and views
He even does it on the bus,Say the pledge, inspires us
I look forward every dayTo seeing David and hearing him say
what makes us feel not quite so strangerdespite Corona and the danger
of going out, not getting illof missing friends and staying still
Thank you for your inspirationoptimism and invitation
to greet each day and do our bestto put our efforts to the test
Thank you for all that you do,What makes East great is folks like you.
Dolores M Wynn • Apr 17, 2020 at 1:18 pm
This is a great and encouraging, and is worthy of his special
talents. Congratulations to you David McCullough! Mr. & Mrs.
Jardine J. Wynn
Dolton, IL. 60419